I love hearing about the driving forces behind inventions. Sometimes the reasons are obscure, but many times that force is simply necessity. The following is such an example. Israel is the home of immigrants from many different countries and cultures, …

When Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention – Food For Thought Read more »

You want to make a certain type of product, but you want it to be different and better than other similar products being sold. You have asked yourself the question ‘How can I make this product something that people will …

Designing Products That People Want Read more »

“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” – Voltaire “What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” -Werner Heisenberg   Young children ask questions all the time. Embarrassment and fear …

Questions Inventors and Innovators Should Ask Read more »

Tnufa* is a grant under the auspices of the former Office of the Chief Scientist (National Authority For Technological Innovation, NATI  ). It supports innovative technological ventures of Israeli individual entrepreneurs and startups at a very early stage of the …

How To Get $50,000 Funding – Tnufa Read more »

There are many courses you can take, which can help educate you regarding different aspects of innovation. When lack of time and money are  important factors, a MOOC platform may be advantageous. MOOC courses offer free options or are very …

Learning To Be Better Innovators Read more »